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反诉 ... crossvoting交叉投票 cross-action反诉 cross-appeal相互上诉;当时双方均提出上诉 ...


1、 cross action 交互作用 ; 交叉反应 ; 法国〕反诉

2、 cross action forceps 咬齿钳

3、 cross action artery clamp 反力式动脉止血镊 ; 释义反力式动脉止血镊


Sad to say, it appears that America's monetary mandarins are set on avoiding bold action, content to cross their fingers and hope that the current slowdown is nothing more than a soft patch.


As Mario Monti, a former EU competition commissioner, pointed out in a recent call for action, 70% of the EU's GDP is in services but only 20% of those services cross borders.

正如前欧盟竞争专员马里奥·蒙蒂(Mario Monti)在最近的行动号召中指出的那样,服务业占了欧盟70%的GDP,但这些服务中只有20%跨越了国境。

At the end of the play, Grandma will come to cross between the Spaces of the action and theater to stage the play's denouement and comment on the events literally from the outside.


The IMF's 24-member steering committee concluded that 'while each country's situation is different, coherent action must be taken, taking due account of cross-border interactions.


Is PTH and small via hole wall quality checked by cross-section and followed by a closed loop corrective action?


"It's not that they don't have cross-reactive t cells," says Chakraborty. "they do have them, but they're much rarer, and we think they might be coaxed into action with the right vaccine."
