定义程序 ... 定义常数指令 define constant instruction 定义程序 define-program 定义存储块 define storage ...
1、 Plan and Define Program 计划和确定项目
2、 define program 翻译 ; 定义程序英语
3、 Plan & Define Program 项目具体计划
If every program had to define its own authentication logic, it would be a mess.
The first steps, then, will be to define the variables and record layouts, with the program logic coming later.
If you define a method that contains this program, other programs can invoke the method.
The manifest.rb file sets up library load paths and allows you to define which files are to be included based on whether the program is run straight from the file system or from a JAR file.
rb 文件设置库装载路径,并允许根据程序是直接从文件系统运行还是从一个 JAR 文件运行来定义包括哪些文件。
For every program that you define in the program Call wizard, two methods are generated.
您在Program Call向导中定义的每个程序都会生成两个方法。
The developer can define the different HID list to transmit the different format data according to the requirement, so as to realize the communication between application program and equipment.