delivery seal的意思|示意
delivery seal的用法详解
Delivery seal是指发货时应封装的封条,也叫封印、发料单等,是凭证发货和收货的一种信息记录的证明。它的作用包括防止货物在发运途中的被偷,确认发运货物的准确性,确定发货位置和包装状况,以及货物的收货日期。
使用 delivery seal 时,需要将它印在包装标签上,然后由收件人确认。具体来说,发货人应牢记发货时间和地点,封装货物,并用钢笔在发料单上写明发货时间、地点、件数、重量、外观状态等信息。收件人需要仔细检查货物外形,确定收货状况。使用delivery seal时,需要仔细检查封条的有效性,同时要保存好收货单。
总的来说,delivery seal 的用法是以保证货物质量和安全双重目标为最终目标,发货人可以更安全地发货,收件人也可以确认货物安全收到。
delivery seal相关短语
1、 delivery seal chamber 出口密封室
2、 SEAL Delivery Vehicle Teams 投送运输分队
3、 SEAL Delivery Vehicle 海豹水下运载器
4、 Advanced SEAL Delivery System 系统,先进海豹系统
delivery seal相关例句
The mail room personnel create an envelope by using the recipient information in your letter, seal your letter in an envelope, and drop the envelope in the mailbox for delivery.
Analyzed problems occurred in filler sealing of pump pressurized device used in gather and delivery system, found out causes and made revamp scheme for mechanical seal.
According to needs and delivery medium, can be used two kinds of mechanical seals and packing seal, and the structure of these two kinds of interchangeability.