describe e as的意思|示意

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describe e as的网络常见释义

描述为 ... due e to 由于 describe e as 描述为 make fun of 取笑 ...

describe e as相关例句

No statistical model, for example, can describe with perfect accuracy all the e-mails you might legitimately receive, while labeling the rest as spam.


To help describe how you can improve the process, Figure 1 shows a typical spam filtering solution where the e-mail is filtered as it comes in, and the e-mail is delivered into individual mailboxes.

为了帮助描述如何改进这个过程, 图 1 显示了一个典型的垃圾邮件过滤解决方案,在该方案中,在电子邮件进入时对其进行过滤,然后将电子邮件发送到不同的邮箱中。

Sites must describe how the organization treats private or semi-private information such as e-mail addresses and content.

网站必须说明该机构是如何处理私人信息或半私人信息的(如e-mail 的地址和内容)。

Rendering text on the screen requires some resource to describe the shapes of the characters, i. e. , the fonts, and some process to render the character images as per script conventions.
