design Variable-speed constant-frequency的意思|示意

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design Variable-speed constant-frequency的网络常见释义

变速恒频 ...变速恒频;双馈;异步;风力发电机;设计 文献标识码 A 7281(2010)04000403 文章编号 1008+ 中图分类号 TM343. 4 [gap=422]Key words erator;design Variable-speed constant-frequency;doubly-fed;asynchronous;wind gen- ..

design Variable-speed constant-frequency相关例句

This paper presents the design of thyristor triggering circuit for a variable speed constant frequency (VSCF) wave energy electricity generating system.


The design and manufacture for MW-class AC-excited doubly-fed generator is very important in the variable speed constant frequency doubly-fed wind power system.
