detail data display的意思|示意
detail data display的网络常见释义
详细数据显示 ...r science courses in the 19751985 era) 十年中可爱的学科(在1975-1985年之间的计算机课程) detail data display 详细数据显示 digital data distributor 数字数据分配器 ..
detail data display相关例句
Effects of the dot matrix scanning mode on the image data mapping within the display volume space, and on the attributes of voxels are analyzed in detail.
W grid-connected photovoltaic demonstration station was introduced in detail. Technology of remote data transmission and real time data display was described in special.
详细地介绍了700 W太阳光伏并网发电示范电站相关内容,重点阐述了远程数据传输和数据实时显示等技术。
Several pivotal problems are described in detail, such as acquisition and pick-up of data, organizing and storage of data, display of information, transmission of information in network and so on.
This step is not necessary to display the machine-readable data; rather, the link is passed through this template and cached for later use in a hidden div element at the bottom of the entry detail.
这个步骤对于显示机器可读数据不是必要的。 恰恰相反,链接要通过这个模板传递,并缓存在条目细节底部的一个隐藏的 div 元素中以便将来使用。
The following sections detail how we can access data for the content and label providers, then how we display the model navigator.
This means the output will display a single row of data for each Product detail member whose Product size is 100 ml.
这意味着,输出将为Product size为100 ml的每个Product detail成员显示一行数据。