diagram of work的意思|示意
diagram of work的用法详解
英语单词diagram of work用法讲解
diagram of work是用在工作和学习中描述图表的一种概念,主要是为了将任务按照步骤和步骤之间的关系以图的形式展示出来。通常任务的完成会有一定的步骤,diagram of work能够把每一步骤和任务的联系以图表的形式表示出来,这在完成大任务时很有帮助。
diagram of work的使用方法:
2、把diagram of work放置在任务开始的位置。diagram of work一般放置在任务开始的位置,便于管理者或者参与者知道接下来要做什么。
3、把diagram of work和milstones进行组合。Milstones是指任务的里程碑,把diagram of work和milestones组合在一起,更容易了解任务的进程情况,也更容易检测到问题。
4、更新diagram of work。当任务进程中出现变化,如开发者或者有新想法等时,都需要修改diagram of work来符合实际任务的变化,以保证任务顺利完成。
diagram of work可以帮助我们更好、更有条理地完成任务,但是也需要我们经常更新diagram of work,以保证任务流程的正确性。
diagram of work相关短语
1、 indicator diagram of work 示功图
2、 volume diagram of earth-rock work 土积图,土石方体积图,土方体积图
diagram of work相关例句
The paper presents the control strategy of the microcomputer with knowledge base, and describes the software and block diagram of work of the two-stage microcomputer control system.
Based on in diagram of work , the maximum and minimum load and corresponding positions were determined.
The general purpose of the visual snippet editor is to add nodes to a diagram to perform the required work.
To perfect the calculation, we calculated the heat release rate with the actual diagram of work after testing.