displeased by的意思|示意

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displeased by的网络常见释义

... participate in:参加 displeased by:被。。弄得不愉快 allowed in:被允许参加 ...

生气 ... disdain for蔑视 displeased by生气 disruptive of破坏 ...

displeased by相关例句

You displeased your mother by your behaviour.


Yet far too often you may find yourself falling back into patterns you witnessed over and over again in your youth and were displeased by.


He was deeply displeased by what had occurred that day.


Leo: you are displeased by the single red rose some admirer left on your windshield. Clearly you are worth at least a dozen!


As a young man, he displeased them greatly by choosing to study psychology (at the University of Wisconsin) rather than law in New York, and by choosing to marry his cousin Bertha Goodman.

他在年轻时选择到威斯康辛大学学心理学而不是在纽约学习法律,还娶了他的表妹Bertha Goodman,因而让家人深为不悦。

The weekly said Lau asked Chu to move to another place because he was displeased with the media exposure of his personal affairs and worried that many of his fans might get hurt by his marriage.
