dominant gene的意思|示意

美 / ˈdɔminənt dʒi:n / 英 / ˈdɑmənənt dʒin /

[遗] 显性基因

dominant gene的用法详解

英语单词dominant gene的用法讲解

dominant gene 指的是优势基因,即一种基因形式,其表型与其同时存在于染色体中的被动基因形式(即次要基因形式)互相抵消,而直接表现出来的遗传特性。例如,双眼睛的特征就是由优势基因(dominant gene)决定的,即使单眼睛对应的次要基因(recessive gene)也存在,但不发挥作用,仍显示为双眼睛,即我们所说的优势基因是以其强大的作用力抵消掉次要基因,从而显现出自己的优势,从而决定遗传特征。

Dominant genes can be passed from one generation to the next, and these genes are often the most important determinants of the physical and behavioral traits of an organism. Moreover, some characteristics inherited from dominant genes may be beneficial and some may be detrimental. For instance, people who inherit a dominant gene for tallness are more likely to be tall, while those who inherit a dominant gene for diabetes are more likely to develop the disease.

dominant gene相关短语

1、 co-dominant gene 等显性基因

2、 dominant gene mutation 显性基因突变

3、 semi-dominant gene 半显性基因

4、 dominant gene action 显性基因作用

5、 partial dominant gene action 部分显性基因作用

6、 autosomal dominant gene 常染色体显性基因

7、 one dominant gene 一对显性基因

8、 Major dominant gene 显性主基因

9、 single dominant gene 显性基因

dominant gene相关例句

Recessive genes are only expressed if no dominant gene is present.



Because it is carried by a dominant gene, an affected individual can expect about half of his or her children to inherit the illness.



Many features of a person's face are decided by his dominant gene.



The ear diametre was inherited in a superdominant fashion with the additive gene as dominant gene.



The results showed that the resistance is dominant inheritance and is controlled by single dominant gene.

