
美 / 'drɪərəlɪ / 英 / 'drɪərəlɪ /

adv. 沉寂地;可怕地;令人厌倦地


English word drearily has a wide range of usages in various contexts. Generally speaking, it means to be sad, somber or gloomy; and it can also imply a feeling of tiredness and listlessness.

The word drearily is often used to describe a certain environment. For instance, when referring to a certain indoor place, such as a room or a hall, drearily might be used to imply an overall feeling of boredom and monotony. For example, \"The walls of the auditorium were painted a depressing grey, and the whole place looked drearily deserted\".

Apart from its usage in describing a particular place, drearily can also be used to describe an activity or an event. For example, one might say \"The party had a dreary atmosphere, and everyone looked bored\".

The word drearily can also be used to express a certain feeling or emotion. For example, one might say \"She felt dreary after a hard day at work\", or \"He felt a sense of dreariness when he heard the news\".

In conclusion, the English word drearily is widely used to express a somber and gloomy state of mind or environment, and can be used to refer to a particular place, activity, or feeling.


1、 detail drearily 沉闷地描写

2、 a broom is drearily sweeping 一只扫帚可怕地扫荆

3、 tour drearily 沉闷地游览

4、 recite drearily 沉闷地叙述

5、 Was utterly and drearily expressionless 干巴巴的

6、 Drearily commonplace and often predictable 平庸的


They got scorched out by and by, and drearily set about getting breakfast.

不久他们就晒得很热了, 大家怪无聊地弄早饭吃.


" Oh, God, " thought Scarlett drearily, " that's just the trouble.

" 啊, 上帝! "思嘉沮丧地想, " 难就难在这里呀.


But, the Chinese track and field is actually finally ends drearily - - zero gold medal.

但是, 中国田径最终却是惨淡收场 —— 零金牌.


Everyone looked happily tired as they waved to her again and she returned their greetings drearily.



After a time he gave up waiting and drearily headed for the Madison car.


英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹

She smiled drearily, looking down upon her bosom.

她凄楚地笑了笑, 垂下眼睛看着自己胸前.
