dwarf elliptical galaxies的意思|示意
dwarf elliptical galaxies的网络常见释义
矮椭圆星系 UCDs是新近发现的古老恒星系统,比一般的「矮椭圆星系(dwarf elliptical galaxies)更暗且更紧密,但又比普通的球状星团(globular clusters)大且亮。
dwarf elliptical galaxies相关例句
Elliptical galaxies may also be small, in which case they are dubbed dwarf elliptical galaxies.
Observations by Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys spotted 29 dwarf elliptical galaxies in the Perseus Cluster located 250 million light-years away and one of the closest galaxy clusters to Earth.
Observations by Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys spotted 29 dwarf elliptical galaxies in the Perseus cluster located 250 million light-years away and one of the closest galaxy clusters to Earth.
The discovery that elliptical galaxies have many more red dwarf stars than the Milky Way means that the universe might have three times as many total stars as previously thought.
They found faint signatures of these red dwarf stars in eight massive elliptical galaxies relatively close to us—between 50 million and 300 million light-years away.
Elliptical galaxies come in a vast range of sizes, from giant to dwarf.