
美 / elektrəʊnɪɡə'tɪvɪtɪ / 英 / elektroʊnɪɡə'tɪvɪtɪ /

n. [化学] 电负性;[化学] 电负度


Electronegativity is a measure of the ability of an atom to attract electrons while forming chemical bonds. It is one of the fundamental properties of atoms, reflecting the strength of the attractive forces that bind electrons to the nucleus of an atom.

Electronegativity is usually expressed as a numerical value, known as the Pauling electronegativity scale, referring to the scale developed by the American chemist Linus Pauling in 1932. This scale ranges from 0.7 for cesium to 4.0 for fluorine, and allows the comparison of electronegativity values across different elements. The higher the electronegativity, the more strongly the atom attracts electrons towards the nucleus.

In chemical reactions, electronegativity is one of the main factors that determine the type of bond formed between two atoms. Generally, atoms with similar electronegativities form non-polar bonds, while atoms with differing electronegativities form polar bonds. Non-polar bonds involve atoms sharing electrons, while polar bonds involve atoms transferring electrons.

In addition to chemical bonds, electronegativity can also affect the polarity of a molecule. Molecules with more electronegative atoms will be more polar, with more electrons pulled away from the less electronegative atoms. This can be seen in chemical compounds such as HCl, where the hydrogen atom has a lower electronegativity than the chlorine atom, causing the electrons to be pulled away from the hydrogen atom, resulting in a polar molecule.

Overall, electronegativity is an important chemical property, measuring the attractive forces of an atom towards electrons. It is a key factor in chemical reactions, governing the type of bond formed between atoms and the polarity of molecules.


1、 electronegativity value 电负值

2、 Pauling electronegativity scale 鲍林电负性标度

3、 equilibrium electronegativity 平衡电负性

4、 group electronegativity 基团电负性

5、 electronegativity difference 阴电性差,电负度差

6、 electronegativity scale 提出电负度,阴电性标

7、 Allen electronegativity Allen电负性

8、 molecular electronegativity interaction vector 分子电性作用矢量,应用分子电性作用矢量

9、 electronegativity rule 电负度法则


Metallic character increases down Group 16 as electronegativity decreases.



Outward currents therefore increase electronegativity in the cell interior.



The stability of hydrated divalent iodatesbe related to the electronegativity of the corresponding cations.



Hyperpolarization and repolarization both describe increased electronegativity within the cell.

