n. 雌性激素
Estrogen is a group of hormones that play important roles in the development of female sexual characteristics and reproductive processes. Estrogen is the primary female sex hormone, responsible for the development of secondary female sexual characteristics such as breasts, pubic hair and a wide range of other physical traits.
Estrogen is also responsible for a number of other functions that are important for the functioning of the female body. Estrogen is an important part of the menstrual cycle, regulating the hormones and processes involved in ovulation. Estrogen helps to regulate the thickness of the endometrium and helps to stimulate new growth of the endometrium prior to implantation of the ovum. In postmenopausal women, estrogen helps to reduce the risk of osteoporosis by maintaining bone density.
In addition to its role in the female body, estrogen is also used for a variety of medical purposes, including the treatment of certain cancers and the alleviation of menopause-related symptoms. Estrogen can also be used to treat certain fertility issues - although it is not always successful. Estrogen can be taken in a variety of forms, including pills, patches and gel.
It is important to note that estrogen therapy can cause side effects and is not suitable for everyone - your doctor will advise you if taking estrogen is suitable for your particular situation. It is also important to understand that your body may respond differently to different forms and doses of estrogen.
1、 estrogen receptor 雌激素受体,雌激素,受体,雌激素接受体
2、 estrogen response element 雌激素效应元件,雌激素反应元件,应元件,的雌激素反应元件
3、 Estrogen-like effect 雌激素样作用,雄激素样作用,类雌激素作用
4、 conjugated estrogen 结合雌激素,其中以雌酮
5、 estrogen receptors 雌激素受体,虽然核内受体,与雌激素受体,研究提示雌激素受体
6、 estrogen receptoralpha 雌激素受体
7、 estrogen hormone 雌性激素
8、 rat Estrogen 大鼠雌激素
9、 estrogen withdral test 雌激素撤退试验
The estrogen hormone most affected by velvet antler is estradiol.
Genistein is a type of soy isoflavone, a plant chemical that is structurally similar to estrogen.
染料木素是大豆异黄酮, 植物化学物质的结构类似雌激素的类型.
Waist of abundant breast of the woman, fine, fat buttock is concerned with ovarian excretive estrogen.
女人的丰乳 、 纤腰 、 肥臀都与卵巢分泌的雌激素有关.
This halts the production of ovarian hormones, ovulation is prevented, and estrogen levels are reduced.
这种卵巢激素产生的停歇阻止排卵, 雌激素水平下降.
Generally, POF is managed with hormone replacement therapy, including estrogen and progesterone and sometimes also testosterone.
一般来说, 卵巢早衰可以用激素替代疗法, 包括雌激素和孕酮,有时也用睾酮.
Objective : TO investigate the effect of estrogen on maternal hepatic function in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy ( ICP ).
目的: 了解妊娠肝内胆汁淤积症 ( ICP ) 孕妇体内雌激素水平的变化对肝酶的影响.