excellent quality and reasonable price的意思|示意

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excellent quality and reasonable price的网络常见释义

物超所值 ... 价格定位 price 物超所值 excellent quality and reasonable price 市场定位 market orientation ...

物美价廉 物美价廉 high quality and inexpensive; cheap and fine; excellent quality and reasonable price; first-rate, attractive and reasonable price 质优价廉 super quality and competitive price .

excellent quality and reasonable price相关例句

Fine works, excellent quality, fine and complete packing, reasonable price.


We will provide hospitality service with our four-star service standard, which will make you feel back home and experience excellent quality and reasonable price.


Excellent quality and reasonable price, the high-quality after-sale service makes "Elantra" brand!


We consistently pursue: excellent quality, reasonable price and quality of services.


We trust you will find our price reasonable and the quality of our products excellent.


Because of their novel design, fine craftsmanship, excellent quality and reasonable price, and delivery on time, the products are very popular among customers.
