extremely low birth weight的意思|示意
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极低出生体重 136 文 摘 关键词 母乳(breast milk); 极低出生体重(extremely low birth weight); Bayley; 结果(outcomes) (崇梅 译 宁寿葆 校) 【英文原件请参阅 PEDI ATRI CS 2007;120(4):e953–e959】 儿童静脉注射布洛芬后...
低出生体重儿 ...将先天异常的患儿排除在外, 探讨 部分儿童的情况,美国儿科专家进行了相关研究 极低出生体重儿(extremely low birth weight, ELBW)是指出生体重<1500g的活产婴,死亡率较高,国内报道为63%-74%。
超低出生体重 ...摘要: 目的 探讨超未成熟(extremely premature,EP)婴儿和超低出生体重(extremely low birth weight,ELBW)婴儿早期存活率及其影响因素.
低出生体重 ...2000年至2004年,新生儿期手术术后监护的低出生体重儿18例,均为消化系统疾病,其中极低出生体重(extremely low birth weight,ELBW)儿3例(16.67%)。对本组患儿术后呼吸、循环、水电解质平衡、营养、预防感染等进行综合管理。
extremely low birth weight相关短语
1、 extremely low birth weight infant 超低出生体重儿 ; 为超低出生体重儿 ; 体重儿
2、 Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants 超低出生体质量儿 ; 低出生体重婴儿 ; 极低体重儿 ; 低出生体质量儿
3、 extremely low birth weight infamt 超低出生体重儿
extremely low birth weight相关例句
The applicability of these findings to extremely preterm, extremely low birth weight or growth restricted infants is limited.
Objective To study and analyze the complications of VLBWI (very low birth weight infant) and ELBWI (extremely low birth weight infant) with the view of achieving a better understanding of such cases.
Objective To study the methods of treatment and management for increasing the living rate or decreasing the crippling rate in extremely low-birth-weight infant (ELBWI).