feel oppressed的意思|示意

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feel oppressed的网络常见释义

憋闷 ... oppressed nation 被压迫民族 feel oppressed 憋闷 Theater of the Oppressed 被压迫者剧场 ...

feel oppressed相关短语

1、 feel oppressed with the heat 热得难受

2、 to feel oppressed 憋闷

3、 feel very much oppressed 心里憋得慌

feel oppressed相关例句

I saddled with this big secret, this feeling is too feel oppressed.


I feel oppressed by the heat.


They are in that elementary sense oppressed and feel that they are oppressed.


Sometimes, the sharp contrast between material abundance and the spiritual poverty makes the feel oppressed and depressed.


They feel humiliated and oppressed. There are a higher and higher number of recruits, whose families are then targeted.


And that's why he constructs the letter to say, as I said, if you're troubled, if you feel like you're oppressed you're supposed to be comforted by this text.
