file account的意思|示意
file account的网络常见释义
档案清单 ... Account payable master file 主文件 file account 档案清单 master file account 主档库存 ...
file account相关短语
1、 master file account 主档库存
2、 account file 记帐文件 ;
3、 Send Account File 发送对帐文件 ; 发送帐务文件
file account相关例句
Spring MVC's view resolver resolves each logical name to an actual resource, that is a JSP file that contains account information.
Spring MVC 的 视图解析器 把每个逻辑名称解析成实际的资源,即包含帐户信息的 JSP 文件。
This file contains only one account with two transactions: a withdrawal (debit) and a deposit (credit).
The magic in relating an Account to a connector occurs in the mappings.php file in Listing 3.
关联Account和连接器的奇妙之处出现在mappings . php文件中,如清单3所示。
Your default behavior is to name the users' account (and, by association, their file share and blog) using the pattern user-photos, where user is the user's login ID.
默认的行为是使用模式user - photos命名用户帐号(以及连带的文件共享和blog),其中的user是用户的登录ID。
After each user is added, its account details are added to the Samba password file.
添加了每个用户后,其帐户详细信息将添加到Samba password文件。
It reads the user and password from the file passfile, (generated earlier in this demonstration) it then checks this is a valid account by checking /etc/passwd.
它从前面生成的 passfile 文件读取用户名和密码,然后通过检查 /etc/passwd 确认这是有效的账户。