flow of gold的意思|示意
flow of gold的网络常见释义
黄金外流 黄金外流 drain of gold; flow of gold; gold outflow; loss of gold 货币外流 currency drains .
flow of gold相关例句
Although China is so important to the trade in gold, international access to its market is limitedby capital controls that do not allow for the free flow of money in and out of the country.
The choice of gold ore sample preparation flow will directly influence the assay quality.
The working mechanism of vibration plating and the process flow and main points of each procedure of gold plating with vibration for stainless steel spring needles were introduced.
Therefore studying sample preparation procedures for different types of gold ore and improving preparation flow is a precondition to ensure analyzing quality.
In this paper, the crushability, screening and reduction of the samples containing visible gold were researched and a new flow path to process the samples was developed.
Last year the flow of central-bank gold almost dried up, even as the price soared. Only 41 tonnes made it to market.