右侧滑入 ... fly-in-left 左侧滑入 fly-in-right 右侧滑入 twirl-in 旋转进入 ...
右侧飞入 ... fly-in-left 左侧飞入 fly-in-right 右侧飞入 fade-in-top 上侧淡入 ...
With the helicopter hovering over the landing area, start pirouetting clockwise while the helicopter is pirouetting fly the helicopter in a Figure of Eight to the right.
If it is lucky, and a plume of water like those seen by the Hubble in 2013 appears, it will be able to fly right through it and learn about the ocean itself.
For example, in the second line of verse 1, "I finally saw you there, " we hear a fleeting noise fly from left to right to left and disappear in little more than a second.
I jumped to attention, fly rod and fly in hand, ready to cast when the moment was right — when the sailfish came within about 10 meters of the stern of the boat.
Why doesn't NATO establish a NO FLY zone to protect the civilians in Syria? It should all be over in a few days or a week tops, right?
The batter hits a fly ball to the outfield, right in between the left fielder and the center fielder.