英语单词focused-image在英语词汇表中属于动词,它的意思是“集中精力或注意力于一个特定的形象”。通常情况下,“focused-image”可以用来描述一个人在某一特定时刻,集中思想与注意力于一个特定的形象、事物或情境。举个例子,一个人在上课的时候在想一个问题,就可以把它描述成“focusing an image of the problem”。
在日常生活中,我们经常会面临需要把精力集中在一个特定的形象上,以达到某些目标。例如,学习英语,我们需要“focus an image of correct pronunciation and sentence structure”,以便能准确地表达口头和书面语言。另外,对于面试者而言,他们需要“focus an image of their personal strengths”,以便更好的展现自己的优势。
1、 magnetic focused image intensifier 磁聚焦图像增强器
2、 proximity focused image tube 近聚焦式移像管
3、 colour-encoded focused image hologram 彩色编聚焦图像全息图,彩色编码聚集图像全息图
4、 frequecny-dencoded focused image hologram 频率编码聚焦全息图
5、 sharply focused image 锐聚焦图象,锐聚图像
6、 electrostatically focused image tube 静电聚焦像管
7、 focused image surface 对焦图像面fis
8、 electrostatically focused image converter 静电聚焦变像管
9、 magnetic focused image inte ifier 磁聚焦图像增强器
10、 magnetically-focused image converter tube 磁聚焦变像管
The photo is the very image of a focused, local response.
While it's important to have a positive body image, getting too focused on body image and appearance can cause a guy to overlook the other positive parts of himself.
Yarbus's experiments showed that our gaze rapidly flicks back and forth across an image so that our centre of vision focused on the most important parts.