follow treaty的意思|示意
follow treaty的用法详解
follow treaty是一个英文短语,指的是遵守条约,也可以翻译为履行条约或遵守条约。条约是由两个或多个国家共同签署的一项书面协议,保护双方在各自范围内的权利和利益,也可以说明两个或多个国家在某一特定事件或事件上的立场和处理方式。
follow treaty的用法有以下几种:
例句:The two countries signed a treaty that both agreed to follow.
例句:She agreed to follow the treaty that the other countries had set.
例句:We have signed a multilateral treaty to be followed by all countries involved.
总之,follow treaty意思是遵守条约,指的是各国都必须尊重签署的条约内容,不能擅自违反。
follow treaty相关短语
1、 follow a treaty 守约
follow treaty相关例句
Meanwhile the promises made by the NPT's members to stand by the treaty will likewise count for nothing without the will to hold to account Iran, Syria and the others that may follow them.
Concluding this treaty would be a real achieve we are pirates, these data are stolen from youdao for Mr Obama - but it would follow three previous nuclear disarma we are pirates, these data are stolen from youdao deals and it would not visibly alter the balance of power in the world.
The new treaty is designed to follow the Kyoto protocol, the world's existing treaty to regulate greenhouse gases, the first phase of which expires in 2012.