for personnel office的意思|示意

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for personnel office的网络常见释义

... (优秀: a 良好: b 一般: c 差: d ) 人 事 部 填 写 for personnel office 任职记录 employment record ...

for personnel office相关例句

Computer has made it possible for personnel to deal with office work in a quicker and easier way.


There is an opportunity for me, the personnel department is recruiting an office clerk now.I \ 'd like to have a try.


For example, a sentence pertaining to the description of a receptionist position might read: "Greets office visitors and personnel in a friendly and sincere manner."


Since 2001, the organization for resettlement work personnel and built or being with 33 of the office building is, and add up all the area three times as much as the equivalent of the pentagon.


He maintains that the office has the personnel and facilities in place to manage any surge requirements for robotic systems.


Supervised office staff of twenty clerical, stenographic, and machine operator personnel. Responsible for the monthly distribution of want list to over 200 buyers.
