forensic science的意思|示意

美 / fəˈrensɪk ˈsaiəns / 英 / fəˈrɛnsɪk ˈsaɪəns /


forensic science的用法详解

Forensic science是指利用理论和实验技术来研究和解决法律上所涉及的问题。Forensic science is the application of scientific theories and experimental techniques to issues related to the law. 这一学科涉及到数种技术,包括痕迹鉴定、指纹鉴定、刑事心理学、法医病理学和刑事讯问等。It encompasses a number of disciplines, including trace evidence identification, fingerprint identification, criminal psychology, forensic pathology, and criminal interrogation.

Forensicscience主要是用来研究、调查和分析犯罪事件,以收集足够有力的证据以证明此事件是否发生、是谁实施的,并支持被告认罪或抗辩。Forensic science is primarily used to research, investigate and analyze criminal cases in order to collect enough compelling evidence to prove whether a crime has occurred and who committed it, and to support the defendant's plea of guilt or innocence.

Forensicsciences的另一个用途是科学分析,它可以用于研究一些未解开的谜团,比如常在历史上有的著名案件,或者可以准确描述一些古老遗物的学术研究。Another use of forensic science is scientific analysis, which can be used to research unsolved mysteries such as famous cases in history or to accurately describe academic research on ancient relics.

ForensicScience不仅可以应用于刑事案件,而且还可以用于鉴定法律诉讼案件、民事案件、家庭财产相关的案件,也可以用于文物鉴定、合同订立、遗产鉴定和赔偿等。Forensic science can not only be applied to criminal cases, but also to legal disputes, civil cases, family property related cases, as well as cultural relic identification, contract formation, inheritance identification and compensation.

总之,Forensic science是一门多功能的学科,它可以制定恰当的方案来解决法律上的问题,并且使用科学的原则和技术来解决相关的问题。In conclusion, forensic science is a multi-functional discipline that can formulate proper plans to solve legal problems and use scientific principles and techniques to solve related issues.

forensic science相关短语

1、 Forensic Science and Technology 法医科学技术,刑事技术,浅述现场指纹的数字化应用,加拿大皇家骑警和美国联邦调查局法庭科学实验室概况

2、 LLB Forensic Science 法院科学

3、 BSc Forensic Science 法医学

4、 Forensic Science International 国际法医学,国际法庭科学杂志,国际司法科学

5、 Computer Forensic Science 科学

6、 Forensic Science Society 法医科学协会,法医学会

7、 Central Forensic Science Laboratory 中央法医科学实验室

8、 Master of Forensic Science 科学硕士,法医鉴定科学硕士

9、 BS in Forensic Science 司法鉴定

forensic science相关例句

You know we need to document this for The Journal of Forensic Science, right?

我们得把这记录下来投给的, 对 吧 ?


The researchers hope that it could be used for forensic science or by biologists exploring ruins.


Modern forensic science should make it impossible to commit murder and away with it.



The work will appear in the journal Forensic Science Policy and Management. Ashley Maxwell and Ann h.


His conclusions have just been published in Forensic Science International.


The law have is make obsolete by new developments in forensic science.



Dr. Lee is either analyzing evidence or instructing others in the disciplines of forensic science.



Forensic science often relate to questioned documents writing ink.

