fork length的意思|示意
[水产] 叉长
fork length的用法详解
Fork length is a term used to describe the length of a fish. It is derived by measuring the distance from the tip of the nose to the fork of the tail. This type of measurement is also commonly used in measuring angler fish and other fish types.
Fork length is distinct from the standard length measurement, which is the length of a fish from the tip of the snout to its anterior edge of the first dorsal fin. The reason for measuring the length from the fork of the tail is to account for the variation in size between species of fish. For instance, some fish may have longer noses and/or thicker tails than others of the same species, making it difficult to accurately measure their standard length.
Fork length is also occasionally used to measure other types of animals. For instance, some types of bird can be measured using their \\"fork length\\", while this measurement can also sometimes be applied to certain types of reptiles.
In aquaculture, fork length measurement is important to accurately determine the fish size. It is also commonly used in fish market price calculations, where it is used as a means to assess the quality of the fish. Knowing the fork length of a fish helps to determine the yield per harvest, which is then used to determine the price.
Overall, fork length is an important and commonly used measure for a variety of fish and other aquatic animals. It helps to accurately determine their size and can be used to calculate their market price in fish markets.
'fork length相关短语
1、 Standard fork length 货叉长度,标准货叉长度
2、 Fork length mm 货叉长度
3、 Fork Length F 货叉长度
4、 The fork length 裆长
5、 Caudal fork length 尾叉长
6、 fork length composition 叉长组成
7、 Standard fork length mm 标准货叉长度
8、 composition of fork length 叉长组成
9、 fork length at first capture 开捕叉长