
美 / 'fɔ:m'ɔ:dər / 英 / 'fɔm'ɔdər /



English words form-order are words that represent an arrangement or order in which something is to be completed, used in a variety of contexts.

The most common usage of form-order words is in the military or other organizations that rely on strict structure, such as the police or emergency services. In such organizations, form-order words are used to communicate commands, instructions and expectations. For example, the command “fall in” is used to direct personnel to assemble in their allocated place for duty.

In schools, form-order words are used to direct various activities. For example, a teacher might say “line up” to indicate that students should form a line. Similarly, “sit down” and “stand up” are used to direct students to move in a certain direction.

Form-order words are also used outside the realm of education. For example, a bank teller might use the phrase “next in line” to indicate the person who should be served next. In business, the phrase “first come, first served” is used to indicate that services and products will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Form-order words are also commonly used in social situations. For example, “ladies first” is used to show respect for women, or “one at a time” is used to indicate that activities should be completed in an orderly manner.

In sum, form-order words are used in a variety of contexts to indicate an arrangement or order. They are used in the military, in schools, in businesses and in social situations to convey instructions and expectations.


1、 Form order 形式秩序,都要讲求体形秩序

2、 order form 订货单,订购单,订单,定货单

3、 Form Order LeRers 格式化订单

4、 initial form order 起始指令

5、 Form Order Letter s 格式化订单

6、 Toupee order form 发块订单表

7、 order-form 定单,订货单

8、 OFFPRINTS ORDER FORM 日后的抽印本订单,单行本订单

9、 written form of order 指令的书写形式


We want to make closer contact with music in order to learn more of its nature; thus we can range more broadly and freely in the areas of musical style, form, and expression.


An order form is included in the mailing.


In this paper, we study the asymptotic equipartition property ( AEP ) form order nonhomogeneous Markov information source.

本文研究非齐次m阶 马氏信源的渐近均分割性.


The goods will be dispatched on receipt of an order form.
