肋骨线,肋骨型线;[摄] 分格线;分帧线
船体肋骨线 ... 股骨耻骨线,耻骨线 linea pectinea femoris 船体肋骨线 frame-line 弧形龙骨线 rocker keel line ...
1、 frame line 肋骨线 ;
2、 Front frame line 前框线
3、 Door frame line 门框线
Next let's build a slightly more complicated frame, using the -frame command-line argument.
接下来让我们用 -frame 命令行参数构建一个更为复杂的边框。
The display (LCD, AMOLED, whatever) gets each frame from the graphics chip, and starts drawing it line by line.
显示屏(LCD, AMOLED或者别的什么)从图形芯片获取每帧的数据,然后一行一行的进行绘制。
Simply select the first frame on the time line and re-pose the rig.
There can be a fine line between filling your frame with your subject (and creating a nice sense of intimacy and connection) and also giving your subject space to breath.
The graphic attributes in line frame techniques of mining CAD are studied.
After the now-familiar chunking code (see " Speed Considerations"), each pixel on each line is set to the current frame if it is more than the current frame number.
根据目前为人们所熟悉的分块处理代码(参阅 运行速度注意事项),各线段的每个像素在大于当前帧序号时都将被设为当前帧。