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冰蚕寒功 学冰蚕寒功(freezing-force) 找到阿紫(r xingxiu;wu),ask a zi about 神木王鼎,一直问到她回答叫你搜(sou)她,你就sou她,游坦之跟萧峰就会跳出来kill你,...


1、 freezing force 冻结力 ; 冻胀力

2、 freezing-drawing force 冻拔力

3、 force of freezing expand 冻胀力


This paper expounds the test results of the freezing Process of sea water, the excessive cold temperature of sea water, the frozen water temperature, sea water frost heaving force and the tube strain.


His winter may be spent in the north wind's whine, but the freezing rain and northerly winds will force him to shape the distinctive posture - smooth texture, as well as clear and transparent beauty.


The freezing force and deformation have a important role in the stability of rock engineering.


The driving force of moisture migration in soil is the key of discussing the mechanism of freezing ice and frost heave and the stress of freezing soil.


Air temperature is well below freezing, and it's dry as a desert because arid, hurricane-force winds suck the snow and other moisture away.


The normal frost heave force is an integral of soil frost heave stress at the freezing front along the range effected by a foundation.

认为地表冻胀量是冻胀率沿整个冻深的叠加 ; 法向冻胀力则是在冻结锋面上冻胀应力沿基础影响范围之内的积分 。