gain and loss的意思|示意

美 / ɡein ænd lɔs / 英 / ɡen ənd lɔs /


gain and loss的用法详解

Gain and Loss: Usage Explanation

Gain and loss are two words that have deep and varied meaning in the English language. They can be used to describe a variety of situations and experiences.

Gain is most commonly used to describe the acquiring of something good, such as knowledge, money, or success. For example, if you study hard and receive a good grade on a test, you could say \"I gained knowledge from studying for the test.\" Similarly, if you are successful in a business venture, you might say \"I gained money from the venture.\"

Loss, on the other hand, is used to describe the opposite of gain. It is most commonly used when something is taken away, such as money or an important relationship. For example, if you invest money in a stock and it loses value, you could say \"I suffered a financial loss.\" Or, if a loved one passes away, you could say \"I experienced a great loss.\"

Gain and loss are also used to describe more abstract concepts. They can be used to talk about the positive and negative aspects of a situation, or the benefits and drawbacks of making a certain decision. For example, if you decide to take a job in a different city, you might say \"I gain a new job, but I will lose the support of my family and friends.\"

Gain and loss are two words that are used to describe a wide range of situations. From physical objects to more abstract concepts, these two words can help you express yourself in a variety of contexts.

gain and loss相关短语

1、 offset gain and loss 平仓盈亏

2、 opsition gain and loss 持仓盈亏

3、 gain and loss account 损益账户,损益帐户,赢得

4、 extraordinary gain and loss 非常损益,特别损益

5、 capital gain and loss 酱利得和亏损

6、 price level gain and loss 价格水平变动损益

7、 gain and loss exhibit 损益表

8、 gain-and-loss table 得失表

gain and loss相关例句

There is gain and loss in your life.



Reduce stress by diminishing the mind of gain and loss and increasing the mind of appreciation.



Gain and loss of oil products gas station are a very important issue in metering management.



The ever matchless and important success or failure gain and loss will also fade color.



There could be more alternatives in the distribution of gain and loss in joint ventures.



His gain and loss deserve our summary and reflection.

