get the works的意思|示意
get the works的网络常见释义
吃苦头 ... shoot the works 孤注一掷(作最大努力... get the works 吃苦头(被杀害)... in the works 正在储备中 ...
被欺骗 ... get the word 得到命令[吩咐] get the works 被欺骗 get the world off one's back v. 卸下重担 ...
受残酷的虐待 ... do its work 发生效力, 起作用 get the works 受残酷的虐待, 被痛打; 被欺骗 give sb. the works 严重地虐待某人, 臭骂某人 谋杀某人 全部告诉某人 ...
get the works相关例句
This is the way we like to think the world works: if you put in the effort, you'll get the reward.
Therefore, to test them, you need to get direct access to information about how the control works from the control itself.
We need to invite them, describe to them how the service works, explain to them why they should fill in the form and suggests the benefits they'll get in return.
The public works do little to better India’s awful infrastructure: many get washed away each monsoon, only to be rebuilt, badly, the following year.
The new research, published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, isn't the first to associate greenery with better health, but it does get us closer to identifying what works and why.
The system works in that you get rid of spam and unoriginal thought, but it isn't the best because it relies on averages rather than direct preferences of each participant.