gift of gab的意思|示意
gift of gab的网络常见释义
有口才 ... 有口才 gift of gab 这样口才 Such Eloquence 社交口才 Social Eloquence ...
能说会道 这不,碰巧翻到“gift of gab(能说会道)”这个俚语。看来,真应了“书中自有黄金屋”这句老话。
表演者 ... 唱片名: 4th Dimensional Rocketships Going Up 表演者: Gift of Gab 出版者: Quannum Projects ...
口才 ... Gabber 言贩子,话包子 Gift of gab 口才 Geek 讨厌鬼,怪胎 ...
gift of gab相关短语
1、 the gift of gab 口才
2、 Gift of the Gab 能说会道 ; 口才 ; 出版者
3、 have the gift of gab 能说会道
gift of gab相关例句
I want to know how to have the gift of gab.
Our president certainly has the gift of gab. He can give a talk freely for a long time without any reference.
You have the gift of gab.
Jack's gift of the gab helped him get a good job.
I have the gift of gab, so I'd make a good salesperson.
They say he has the gift of gab, and that's exactly what is needed in a good salesperson.