given cold-shoulder的意思|示意
given cold-shoulder的网络常见释义
闭门羹 闭门羹given cold-shoulder 边际报酬marginal return ..
英 ... 发 音 bì mén gēng 英 文 given cold-shoulder 德 语 vorverschlossenenTürenstehen ...
given cold-shoulder相关短语
1、 given a cold shoulder 闭门羹
2、 be given a cold shoulder 闭门羹
3、 Be Given The Cold Shoulder 坐冷板凳
given cold-shoulder相关例句
He's given me the cold shoulder for three days.
But when Gough looked to Haig for support, he was given the cold shoulder.
Also, while working on a group project in a sociology class, she says she was given the cold shoulder: "they pretend to welcome you but they do not."
When Bob looked to Peter for support , he was given the cold shoulder .
Also while working on a group project in a sociology class she says she was given the cold shoulder: "they pretend to welcome you but they do not."
When Bob looked to Peter for support, he was given a cold shoulder.