global asymptotic stability的意思|示意
global asymptotic stability的网络常见释义
全局渐进稳定性 信控 ... gimbaled wheel 框架轮 global asymptotic stability 全局渐进稳定性 global optimum 全局最优 ...
全局渐近稳定 文章详细信息 关键词: 传染病模型;;脉冲免疫接种;;阶段结构;;全局渐近稳定 [gap=320]Keywords: epidemic model;pulse vaccination;stage-structure;global asymptotic stability
全局渐近稳定性 global asymptotic stability 全局渐近稳定性; 整体渐近稳定; 整体逐渐稳定 local asymptotic stability 局部渐近稳定性 .
global asymptotic stability相关短语
1、 the global asymptotic stability 全局渐进稳定
2、 partial global asymptotic stability 部分变元的全局渐近稳定性
3、 domain global asymptotic stability 区域性全局渐近稳定
global asymptotic stability相关例句
To one kind of difference system with variable coefficients, some sufficient conditions for global asymptotic stability of trivial solution are given.
The simple condition giving for global asymptotic stability is independent of delays and possesses adjustable real parameter.
Global asymptotic stability of a class of nonlinear rational difference equations was studied by means of setting up an auxiliary equation, so that a sufficient condition was obtained.
Under model plant mismatch the robustly asymptotic stability and global convergence of the resulting closed loop system are guaranteed by selecting proper prediction horizon.
Global asymptotic stability of general recurrent neural network models with S-type distributed delays on infinite intervals.
无限区间上s -分布时滞广义递归神经网络模型概周期解的全局渐近稳定性。
The global asymptotic robust stability of interval cellular neural networks with S-type distributed delays is investigated. The convenient criteria and an example are presented.
研究了一类具有S -分布时滞的区间细胞神经网络的全局渐近鲁棒稳定性问题,得到了实用有效的判别准则并给出了实例。