回授 专利联盟内的互授专利权的条款,从广义上来说包括联盟成员现有和将来专利权的相互给予;而 回授 (grant-back)是指联盟专利的被许可者将联盟专利的改进专利的专利权给予专利联盟。
回馈授权 ... 正文 关键词 :知识产权许可;回馈授权;竞争;反垄断法 [gap=4391]Key Words : intellectual property licensing; grant-back; competition; antitrust law ...
回授条款 第一章 导论 第一节 问题提出 专利许可中的回授条款( grant-back) 要求被许可人将改进的新技术反向授权给原知识产权许可人,回授是近年来高技术行业滥用市场支配地位(企业之间进行技术交流)的典...
性的回授 ... Grant-back » 性的回授 demand curve » 需求曲线 You really good to me » 你真的很棒,我 ...
1、 grant back provision 回授条款
2、 Grant back Condition 返授条件
3、 grant-back clause 回授条款
Back in England, he went to stay with his friend, the painter Duncan Grant.
回到英格兰后,他与他的朋友-画家Duncan Grant住在一起。
The two users can simultaneously collaborate on the data in the form without having to grant control back and forth.
Mr Grant described France as "civilised and humane" in its treatment of the famous and argued that a "little bit of statute" should back up a new regulatory code.
Until the promotion of Ulysses S. Grant, the North's victory in the civil war was held back by a series of inept generals—to the exasperation of Lincoln, who liked to read up on military strategy.
At grant to float Ping to clap maximum Hou 1 Zhang of, sun in Europe is still nice but suddenly from permit to float a Ping back Hou to clap an Zhang.
We're sitting in a kitchen in Notting Hill, London, and Grant has been walking around the room since he arrived, stretching his back, which is causing him some pain, and peering at family photographs.