grass rope的意思|示意

美 / ɡrɑ:s rəup / 英 / ɡrɑs rop /


grass rope的用法详解

Grass rope, also known as “twine”, is a type of rope made from natural fibers like grass, hemp, sisal or jute. It’s a popular choice as a lightweight but strong rope, and is often used in gardening, agricultural, and marine applications.

Grass rope is often used to tie plants, secure soil or gravel, and even hang baskets. It’s often seen in gardening, where the rope is used to tie up plants and tomato vines. The rope is also widely used in agricultural applications, such as securing hay bales, tying fence posts, tying livestock, and even bundling firewood.

In the maritime world, grass rope is often used for smaller jobs like making a fly line, rigging a jib sheet, or mooring a buoy. It can also be used to repair nets and for rope repairs in general.

Grass rope is also popular for craft projects like macramé, basket weaving, knot tying, and DIY sculpting. Macramé is a popular form of art which involves knotting different kinds of cords and strings together to create intricate patterns. Basket weaving, meanwhile, is an ancient practice of weaving natural grasses, reeds, and other material together to create containers.

In addition to its many uses, grass rope is also extremely durable and can last for many years with proper care and maintenance. It’s also lightweight and easy to handle, making it ideal for a wide range of applications.

grass rope相关短语

1、 grass fish rope 纤维绳

grass rope相关例句

I led her by the rope, tied her to the rack, and scattered some grass for her.
