grass shrimp的意思|示意
grass shrimp的用法详解
Grass shrimp,又称草虾,是一种以海草为食的小型海洋虾类,体长一般在2-4厘米之间,体色有橙色、红色、褐色和灰色等,体型纤细,头小,腹部明显微凹。
Grass shrimp通常出现在海洋滩边和江河湖沼的淡水地带,也有的出现在深海中,它们以海草为食,也会吃小型的藻类和少量的昆虫, 一般不会食用自己的同类。
此外,grass shrimp还常用于在海洋生态系统中真实还原内大型虾类的行为, 其受捕率和数量也是水质、温度及月相等环境参数的反映,不仅能够用于指示水体的健康状况,还可用于保护海洋生物。
总的来说,grass shrimp也是一种极具价值的海洋生物,不仅能够作为食用虾类,还能够作为水质指示体,值得应该我们发挥其价值,以保护海洋环境。
grass shrimp相关短语
1、 steamed grass shrimp 清蒸草虾
2、 Grass shrimp larval 草虾苗
3、 Technique of grass shrimp culture 青虾集约化养殖技术与应用
4、 Salad grass shrimp 沙拉草虾
5、 Thailand Style Grass Shrimp 泰式草虾
6、 grass fish shrimp 藻虾
7、 Lemon Grass andPineapple Veggie Shrimp 柠檬草凤梨素虾
grass shrimp相关例句
It’s crudités a different way. A dish of shrimp and sea urchin powder, meanwhile, is arranged as a beachscape with scattered stones and tufts of grass.
Fish in the grass shrimp darting hide and seek, playing the lost.
Had a clear bottoming out of the river has become black, and some covered with grass, resulting in fish, shrimp, fresh air, all floating in the water.