green horn的意思|示意
green horn的用法详解
英语单词green horn就是指一种新手、新学者或新人,常用来形容一个拥有新技能、新知识或新特征的人。green horn最常见的用法就是当作一个形容词使用,指一个缺乏经验的人或新手,表示他们不具备丰富的知识或经验,而且在某一领域是个新手。
比如,你可以用green horn来形容一个新的,在技术领域比较缺乏经验的员工:\"He’s a green horn when it comes to technology, so he needs a lot of guidance on this project.\"
Green horn也可以用来形容某人对新技能学习的积极态度:\"He’s a green horn when it comes to coding, but he’s eager to learn more.\"
另外,green horn也可以指一个对新环境以及新伙伴比较紧张的人:\"The new team members can be a bit green horn, so remember to give them a warm welcome!\"
总之,green horn这个表达一般是用来描述一个缺乏经验而拥有新技能和特征的人,以此来强调一个人在某一领域是新手。
green horn相关短语
1、 The Green Horn 青蜂侠
2、 green-horn 指出来乍到不了解当地习惯的人
3、 a green horn 容易上当的糊涂虫
4、 Green Horn Cobra 绿角眼镜蛇
5、 Green Man & French Horn 法国号酒吧
6、 Green Wind Antelope Horn Beverage 绿风羚羊饮
7、 Horn Green 镜架颜色
green horn相关例句
Or as Johnny Carson once said, it's the interval between a Manhattan traffic light turning green and the guy behind you honking his horn.
You'd better tell him frankly that you are a green horn so that he will not expect too much of you.
We blowing the horn of building green and ecologic Shangrao.