grid matrix的意思|示意

美 / grɪd ˈmeɪtrɪks / 英 / ɡrɪd ˈmetrɪks /


grid matrix的用法详解

英语单词grid matrix是一个航海术语,它指定航行的坐标系统。网格矩阵是以经纬度的形式描绘的一种参考系统,用于定位航行者的位置。它由一个交叉的竖线和横线组成,表示经度和纬度的参照坐标系统。



grid matrix相关短语

1、 Grid Matrix Code 网格码

2、 crossed-grid matrix 交叉网格矩阵,翻译

3、 matrix grid 字模版

4、 crossed grid matrix 交叉网格矩阵

5、 grid elevation matrix 高程格网

6、 computerized matrix grid phototypesetting 字模版式计算机排版

7、 computerized matrix grid pho-totypesetting 字模版式计算机排版

8、 sparse matrix canonical grid 稀疏矩阵规则网格,网格,应用稀疏矩阵规则网格

9、 computerized matrix grid photot-ypesetting 字模版式计算机排版,字模版式核算机排版

grid matrix相关例句

These two Settings allowed us to start converting the first column of the grid into the vertical dimension of the matrix.


As you might have noticed in the Building a basic matrix section, we wanted to create a grid with equally serviceable horizontal and vertical headers distinguishable from the widget's body.


To imple we are pirates, these data are stolen from youdao the basic matrix widget, you first need to create the structure of the grid.
