growth peak的意思|示意
growth peak的用法详解
Growth peak是一个描述时间的单词,指的是某项活动发展的最快和最高峰期。它常用来描述物种的数量、经济繁荣度、学术认可度等随时间发展而变化趋势最快和最高的时期。
1.The 1970s was the growth peak for the car industry. 20世纪70年代是汽车业发展的鼎盛时期。
2.The pandemic has exposed the weaknesses of our healthcare system and put an abrupt end to the economic growth peak that we were enjoying before. 疫情暴露了我们医疗保健系统的弱点,也终止了我们之前享受的经济增长高峰。
3.This year marks the end of growth peak for our franchise due to lower consumer spending. 由于消费者出资下降,今年是我们特许经营的增长峰的终结。
growth peak相关短语
1、 the growth peak period 旺盛生长期
2、 growth velocity peak 生长速度峰值
3、 peak-growth period 生长高峰期
growth peak相关例句
The peak of population growth was in the late 1960s, when the total was rising by almost 2% a year.
Adding fresh meat and high quality protein is fully fit for the puppy in the growth peak demanding.
"Our planet is approaching a perfect storm of population growth, climate change and peak oil," he said.