hand in cap的意思|示意
hand in cap的网络常见释义
手放在帽子里 此词源于一种十分古老的物物交换形式:手放在帽子里(hand in cap)。两人需要物物交换时,便请一公断人确定所拥有物价值较小的一方补偿对方的数额,最后又以伸手到一顶帽子里抽签的方式决定成交与...
hand in cap相关短语
1、 cap in hand 恭敬地 ; 卑躬屈膝 ; 谦恭地
2、 with cap in hand 恭敬地 ; 是什么意思及用法
3、 go cap in hand to 必恭必敬
hand in cap相关例句
Cap in hand the pilots represented that they were not at all tired.
"Kane's got no other income other than what he gets from his parents and will have to come cap in hand to us now."
But the same journalists will be wanting articles from them when they are stars, going cap-in-hand, begging them for interviews in a few years' time - mark my words on that.
A wince-inducing glance at the share performance of 25 firms that have gone cap-in-hand shows a 50% loss since the new index's inception on January 5th, double the decline of the wider S&P 500 index.
Breath held like a cap in the hand.
When she got there, she found the man was waiting at the gate cap in hand.