handling speed的意思|示意

美 / ˈhændliŋ spi:d / 英 / ˈhændlɪŋ spid /


handling speed的用法详解


English word “handling speed” is quite important in some contexts, and it can refer to the speed at which a person or object can make a specific physical move. It is related to how quickly a person or an object can react to a certain moment. Handling speed is an important factor when it comes to sports and physical performance. Generally, it is the speed at which a person or an object has to react and make a movement.

For example, in sports such as tennis, handling speed is a crucial skill. Players need to react quickly to incoming shots and make a quick return of their own. Similarly, in the sport of basketball, players need to have good handling speed so that they can quickly move the ball down the courts. Additionally, handling speed is also important for athletes in sports such as badminton and volleyball, as they need to quickly make sure their shots land on the correct area.

Handling speed can also refer to how quickly a driver can react to certain road conditions. A driver needs to have a quick handling speed so that they can quickly adjust to certain situations on the street, such as sudden changes in speed limits or hazardous weather.

Overall, handling speed is an important factor in the performance of certain activities, such as sports and driving. It is necessary to have a good handling speed in order to ensure that the movements are fast and accurate.


handling speed相关短语

1、 Handling and cure speed properties 处理和固化速度特性,处理和治愈速度属性

2、 low speed handling 低速控制

3、 low-speed handling 低速操纵性

4、 high-speed handling 高速操纵

5、 low-speed-handling flight 低速操纵性试验飞行

6、 low speed handling qualities 低速操纵品质

7、 high speed handling qualities 高速操纵品质

8、 low rank bitumite speed handling 低速控制

9、 high speed materials handling robot 高速物料搬运机器人