v. 硬线连接
Lesson one: hard-wire
Hard-wire is a verb and refers to the process of connecting a device directly to the power source or to the mainframe without the use of cables or other connecting devices. In the context of information technology, it usually means connecting one device or system to another through the use of physical wiring, rather than using wireless methods or software.
In other words, hard-wiring is the physical connection of two components to one another. This process includes soldering electronic components, running cables between different pieces of equipment, and anything else that involves the physical connection of two pieces of hardware.
For example, a hard-wired computer system might have a central motherboard, several hard drives, a power supply, and several input/output devices, all connected directly to each other. This type of system is often more reliable than one which relies on wireless connections or software to perform key functions. \"Hard-wiring\" can also refer to the process of connecting a device directly to the mainframe or power source.
In summary, hard-wiring usually refers to the physical connection of two or more components. It is used to create a reliable, secure connection between two or more pieces of hardware. Hard-wiring is often used in situations where reliability and security are of the utmost importance, such as in computers, networks, and other electronics.
1、 hard wire 硬钢丝,硬电线,硬拔线,有线遥测术
2、 hard-wire cutters 硬铁丝剪,剪铁丝剪
3、 hard wire rod 硬线
4、 hard-wire telemetry 有线遥测术
5、 hard-wire-oriented engineer 硬连线系统工程师
6、 hard wire telemetry 有线遥测
7、 hard wire steel 硬线钢
8、 hard-wire connection 硬连线连接
9、 hard drawn wire 冷拉线,硬拉线
This article presents research on rolling technology of micro - alloyed high carbon hard wire at JISCO.
The effect of structure flaw on plastic deformation of hard wire rod is discussed.