hard to please的意思|示意
hard to please的用法详解
英语单词hard to please指的是“很难取悦”。例如,有这样一个人很难令人满意:He was hard to please.
当施加压力时,hard to please也可以被用来表示“难以满足,不容易取悦”。例如:Workers these days are increasingly hard to please.
此外,hard to please也可以用来形容某人挑剔、多变。例如:My boss is always hard to please. He demands perfection in everything.
最后,hard to please也可以被用来指某人极其困难被满足,或难以满足的要求。例如:This project is hard to please. We need to put in extra effort if we want it to succeed.
总之,hard to please的意思是“很难取悦,难以满足,困难满足”,具体意义取决于上下文。
hard to please相关短语
1、 Men Are Hard To Please 男人很难取悦
2、 a hard-to-please employer 难以取悦的雇主
3、 but you're hard to please 但你也无法满足
4、 you are hard to please 想取悦你还真不容易
5、 find sb hard to please 发现某人很难取悦
6、 are hard to please 不肯提问
7、 It's hard to please all 众口强调
8、 It's hard to please everybody 使人人满意真难
hard to please相关例句
Easy to talk to. Hard to please . Harsh. Practical and fussy.
易为谈的对象. 很难取悦.严峻. 务虚但有点少见多怪.
Why is It'so hard to please you?
你这人怎么这么难满足 呢 ?
If he HURTS u, u are too SENSITIVE ! SO hard to please!
He was mentally clear, but appeared to be fussy, irritable, and was hard to please.
他神志清醒, 可是显得很急躁, 爱发脾气, 还没办法让他高兴起来.
It is hard to please all.
一人难称百人心[众口难调]. (谚)