head start program的意思|示意

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head start program的网络常见释义

开端计划 ...话一直都几乎无一例外都集中于减少贫困和中产家庭之间的教育成就不平等,而其依靠的措施也是像“开端计划”(Head Start Program)这样面向贫困人群的学前教育项目。 我们几乎没有想过考虑一下有钱人都在干什么。

启智计划 SCPF-Start Control Program Function 启动控制程序功能 Head Start Program 启智计划 ; 开端计划 ; 启蒙计划 ; 启蒙教育方案 Cold Start Program Modifier 冷起动程序修正器 ..

启蒙计划 SCPF-Start Control Program Function 启动控制程序功能 Head Start Program 启智计划 ; 开端计划 ; 启蒙计划 ; 启蒙教育方案 Cold Start Program Modifier 冷起动程序修正器 ..

计画 从失业救济金、粮食券、母亲与婴幼儿补助计画(WIC),到学前教育辅助计画(Head start Program)等,固然构成保障低收入民众的社会安全网,但美国穷人却越来越多。

head start program相关短语

1、 American Indian Head Start program 美国原住民启蒙教育

2、 Riverside County Head Start program 里弗赛德郡先行计划

3、 Togiak Head Start Program 名称

head start program相关例句

In the summers, she taught in the Head Start program and worked at an officers' club on a military base.


In this corporate equivalent of a Head Start program, the CEO receives the education but the Stockholders pay the tuition.


In the United States, the best-known program designed to promote future academic success is Head Start.

在美国,最著名的促进未来学术成功的项目是 Head Start。

The cutting head was not yet dismantled and the program START button was pressed.
