n. 错口
Hi-lo(高低) 单词可以用作一些形容词和副词,指示“高”或“低”的状态。它们可用来描述音量、价格、利润、天气温度等不同方面。
1. 高声:He spoke in a loud and hi voice.
2. 低声:She spoke in a soft and low voice.
3. 高价:The prices at this store are very hi.
4. 低价:The prices at this store are very low.
5. 高利润:This company has been making hi profits recently.
6. 低利润:This company has been making low profits recently.
7. 高温:This summer has been unusually hi in temperature.
8. 低温:This winter has been unusually low in temperature.
9. 声音:Turn the volume up hi and the bass down low.
10. 价格:The demand for the product is hi, so keep the price low.
11. 利润:We need to maintain a balance between hi profits and low costs.
12. 温度:Keep the temperature hi during the day and low at night.
13. 高山:He's the king of the hi-lows.
14. 低矮:He's short, but he has a hi-lo personality.
1、 Hi-Lo lines 高低线
2、 hi-lo signal alarm 高低位报警
3、 HI LO OFF 三档声音个性调节开关,三档声音调节开关
4、 hi-lo-check 计算结果检查
5、 hi-lo pile 高低绒头地毯
6、 hi-lo corduroy 间隔条灯芯绒
7、 Hi-Lo screws 高低纹螺丝
8、 Hi Lo Pass 比较功能
9、 Hi-Lo Country 非恋不可