high duty cycle的意思|示意

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high duty cycle的网络常见释义

高效能循环 因TOFMS具备内在的高效能循环(high duty cycle),记录的是漂移时间,所以适于质量动态范围大的样品分析。其测定原理比较简单,样品经离子源离子化后,离子(质量为m,电荷为z)在电...

high duty cycle相关短语

1、 high duty-cycle 高占空比

2、 high duty cycle accelerator 高工作比加速器

3、 high-duty cycle 高占空比

high duty cycle相关例句

Contimuously adjustable current and voltage, wide adjustment range, high duty cycle, continuous welding.


In the design of current-mode PWM DC-DC converters, the slope compensation method widely used to prevent sub-harmonic oscillation can significantly weaken the load capacity under a high duty cycle.

电流模pwm集成dc - DC变换器设计中,为了防止亚谐波振荡而普遍采用的斜坡补偿,会在占空比较大时严重影响芯片的带载能力。

Secondly, the low duty cycle leads to the high voltage and current ripple, and enlarges the filter size.


There is the need for high duty-cycle laser diode array to satisfy the demand the DPSSL (diode pumping solid state laser) technology.


The time of high level and the cycle for input pulse was measured with micro-controller to calculate duty cycles.


Cassette Loader, Auto Erase, High Image Quality, Fast Duty Cycle.
