high horse的意思|示意

美 / hai hɔ:s / 英 / haɪ hɔrs /

n. 傲慢的态度

high horse的用法详解

英语中的“high horse”是一个俚语,表达的含义是“以自大的态度对待别人”,也可以表示“态度高傲”的意思。该表达的示例是:

1. 作为老师,他总是在高高在上,不把学生放在眼里。

As a teacher, he always rides high and never takes his students seriously.

2. 她看到这个新款服装,仿佛变得特别骄傲,开始骑上高马了。

When she saw the new clothing, she seemed to become especially proud and started riding high.

3. 他总是像骑上一头高马似的,说话总是飁着别人。

He always speaks in a condescending way, as if he were riding high on his horse.

总的来说,“high horse”的用法指的是一种态度,表示一个人表现得高高在上,充满傲慢。

high horse相关短语

1、 be on one's high horse 趾高气扬,趾高气昂,趾高,藐视他人

2、 Don't ride the high horse 不要摆架子

3、 Ride the high horse 趾高气扬,趾高气昂,耀武扬威,目空一切

4、 get off one's high horse 放下架子

5、 mount the high horse 趾高气扬

6、 come off one's high horse 不再骄傲自大,不再骄傲自负了

7、 get off her high horse 别摆架子,从她的高马,下车,她的高马下车

8、 on the high horse 趾高气扬

9、 come off the high horse 放下架子

high horse相关例句

Brendan: Hey, why don't your get off you high horse ? You're no better than me.

布兰登: 喂, 你省省吧. 你跟我是半斤八两.


Larry is on his high horse again, bossing people around.

拉里又盛气凌人了, 又开始乱支派别人了.


Gabrielle: Don't get on your high horse with me. I know what's good for me.

加布里埃尔: 不要在我面前摆架子. 我知道甚麽适合自己.


After his mother died he came down off his high horse.



There was some disagreement, and she got on her high horse.

出现某些不同意见, 她就生气.


Mary was on her high horse at the picnic telling everyone what to do.

