adj. 出身名门的
He is a highborn gentleman. 他是一个贵族。
The highborn family had great influence in the country. 这个贵族家庭在国家有着很大的影响力。
In the old days, people respected highborn families very much. 在古代,人们非常尊重贵族家庭。
Highborn can also be used as an adjective to describe someone's behaviour, for example:
He had highborn manners. 他有着高尚的举止。
She showed highborn behaviour when she was with the elders. 当她与长辈在一起时,她表现得非常有礼貌。
Highborn can also be used to describe someone's way of speaking, for example:
The highborn man spoke with a strong accent. 这位贵族男子讲话带着浓重的口音。
Highborn can also be used to describe something else, such as clothes, furniture or buildings, for example:
The highborn mansion was an impressive sight. 这座贵族大宅令人印象深刻。
The highborn furniture was a symbol of luxury. 贵族家具是奢华的象征。
Highborn can also be used to describe someone's thoughts, for example:
His highborn thoughts were inspired by the great minds of his time. 他的高尚思想受到当时伟大思想家的启发。
Highborn can also be used to describe someone's values, for example:
He had strong highborn values that he followed all his life. 他的高尚价值观一生坚持不懈。
1、 Highborn Chapter 贵族重生
2、 Highborn Chapter 3 贵族重生
3、 Kalastria Highborn 卡列奇望族
4、 Highborn Chapter 2 贵族重生
5、 Highborn HD 出身名门
6、 Highborn H 出身名门
7、 He Highborn How 他身世终究如何