hither and thither的意思|示意

美 / ˈhiðə ænd ˈðiðə / 英 / ˈhɪðɚ ənd ˈθɪðɚ /


hither and thither的用法详解

Hither and thither翻译成中文是“这边和那边”,即表示从这边移动到那边,那边再移动到另一边,一直循环往复的意思。它是一个介词短语,常用来指动作的方向。

Hither and thither的用法非常灵活,用法可以用在几乎任何句子里。例如:

He ran hither and thither, looking for somebody. 他跑来跑去,寻找某人。

The children ran hither and thither in the garden. 孩子们在花园里跑来跑去。

The wind blew hither and thither. 风吹来吹去。

The leaves floated hither and thither in the stream. 树叶在小溪里飘来飘去。

Hither and thither 在口语中经常出现,电影里也经常出现,它的用法十分普遍。

hither and thither相关短语

1、 flee hither and thither 到处乱窜

2、 hither and thither thither 向这边

3、 run hither and thither 四出奔走,跑来跑去,转圈儿

4、 Go Hither And Thither 四处奔走

5、 Running Hither And Thither 四处奔走

6、 Fly Hither And Thither 飞来飞去

7、 Carry Hither And Thither 搬来搬去

8、 And hither and thither fly- 往返无常飞东飞西

9、 to fly hither and thither 飞来飞去

hither and thither相关例句

Tom went hither and thither to search for an answer.



Refugees run hither and thither in search of safety.



He wandered hither and thither looking for a playmate.



A school of tiny, glittering fish flicked hither and thither.

一群小小的 、 闪闪发光的鱼儿东游西窜、忽隐忽现.


The water was clear to the bottom. A school of tiny fish flicked hither and thither.

河水清澈见底, 一群小鱼悠然地游来游去.


He saw the men's eyes turning hither and thither in quest of him.

