hollow glass bead的意思|示意
hollow glass bead的网络常见释义
空心微珠 ...空心微珠; 红外陶瓷粉 中图分类号: T U56 + 1. 62 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 100627329( 2008) 02 20132203 [gap=1280]Key words: t hermal insulation coat ings; hollow glass bead; infrar ed crockery powder 隔热涂料施涂于建筑物表面可有效的降低建筑物 表面及内部的温度。
hollow glass bead相关短语
1、 hollow glass-bead 空心玻璃微珠
2、 hollow glass mirco-bead 空心玻璃微珠
3、 hollow micro glass bead 空心微珠
hollow glass bead相关例句
The filling content of hollow glass bead generally is between 5% -20%.
The results showed that the compatibility of hollow glass bead and resin was improved by adding silane coupling agent.
The cell structure, compression and damping properties of rigid polyurethane foam filled with hollow glass bead were studied.