
美 / / 英 / /


中国大陆 iTunes-Apple(中国大陆) iTunes LP 或 iTunes 特辑需要 1280..


1、 itunes apple id 邮箱地址

2、 iTunes Apple store 注册

3、 Apple iTunes Encode 苹果无损音频编码器 ; 苹果音频编码器


The company would likely make the update available a few days later on iTunes if Apple receives final approval of iOS 5 on the date expected.

如果iOS 5可以在预期时间内获得通过,苹果可能于其后数日内就在iTunes上推出这一更新版本的下载服务。

We’ll most realistically see a new e-book section demonstrated in iTunes, as Apple has reportedly been in talks with HarperCollins Publishers to make e-books for the tablet.


I haven't seen any rumors of Apple introducing a new version of iTunes, but I assume it would have to, in order to launch the tablet.


Plenty of people still prefer purchasing music a la Apple Inc. 's iTunes Store, where there aren't restrictions due to streaming or subscriptions.

有许多人仍钟意于到苹果公司(Apple Inc .)的iTunes Store音乐商店购买音乐,不受网上收听或订阅与否的限制。

According to most recent figures, Apple boast 225 million credit-card backed accounts on iTunes.


Apple has set up iTunes in Japan and Australia only.
